From: "Vax Headroom (Dave E Martin)" <DAVE@NET23.MIT.EDU>
Since textures and effects are loadable, what are the chances of
impulse releasing the format so people could make their own?
Are they loadable code routines or formulas or what?
I would like a texture similar to the one used in DKBTrace to get clouds.
I've tried camoflauge, but it doesn't quite give the same effect.
Subject: Morphing and the like
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 91 23:42:25 PDT
From: Daryl T. Bartley <>
Okay, a quick question on the hand-morphing-into-a-sword thing...would it be
possible (or practical) to make more than one intermediate object? Say the
final 'sword' (or whatever) has half as mnay points as the hand (I know, it
wouldn't, but just for sake of argument) make an intermediat object, same# of points as the hand, and like 'line up' some of the points so it is a flat surface...then, make a second object just like that, but delete the excess points that are lined up, hopefully ending up with the same face-point count as the final sword (Okay, so the sword might have to be a little overcomplicated), then
replace the 2nd object (hand-sword) with the 3rd...if done right, the switch won't show up, and it can morph on into the sword.
Now, if anyone can figure out what the heck I just said (including ME!), then
would it work?
P.S. Oh, and is there any chance when the 'sneak peek' pics of the DCTV-T2 animare let out, that there might be some lowly HAM versions? (i.e. that I can see?)
>>> The resizing will NOT, repeat will NOT, change your camera views!
> I wrote:
>> But it will NOT change scale-related values in textures either. THAT
>> is a problem! Try scaling an object with a nice wood-texture: The
>> rings will become disproportional to the object :-(
Bob writes:
> [Description of scaling the StarBurst object removed]
> This shouldn't happen should it? Is this a problem with Imagine or
> am I being a putz expecting the texture to proportionally size with
> an object?
Not your fault, Bob. Impulse didn't think things through quite as
much as they should have with respect that that. Ideally, sizing an
object should affect textures equally. The problem lies in the fact
that Imagine cannot know which of the texture parameters are
size-related and which aren't. When the object is scaled, the
parameters are unaffected.
If Impulse redefines size-related parameters to where they
represent parent-object relative size, the problem would go away and,
in my view, would require very little code to implement.
Ex: set the size of the rings in a wood-texture to 0.05,
meaning 5% of the object's axis size (perhaps avg of xyz?). If the
object is scaled up, the texture will be scaled by default.
> Is there another way to achieve the desired effect?
Other than manually altering all the involved texture parameters, no.
._. Udo Schuermann "Did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter
( ) with the promise of the brave new world unfurled
Seeking virtual memory beneath the clear blue sky?" -- Pink Floyd
Subject: gnicartyaR sdrawkcaB
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 91 12:42:30 PDT
From: Daryl T. Bartley <>
You mean, it can't reflect light off of one object onto another? I could have
sworn I saw some 're-cast' light in one trace I did (And yes, to prove how much of a nutter I am, it took 26 hours on my stock 2000), from some glass in front of a mirror...could this just have been the light going through the glass and hitting the floor, or was it coming off of the mirror and back through the glass?
Darn, if it can't reflect light, that shoots down another 1000 project ideas. ::-)
Daryl Bartley
Subject: Re: Imagine to Lightwave
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 91 15:58:10 EDT
From: Mark Thompson <>
Randy Carris writes:
> I'm looking for a way to convert Imagine objects to Lightwave objects. I
> know that with Interchange you can convert Turbo to Sculpt and load them
> that way, but do you loose anything. I obviously don't want the shape
> distorted etc. Can you keep the attributes or do they get lost or
> screwed up? Is there any dirrect way to do these conversions?
Well Syndesis is currently beta-testing conversion modules for both LightWave
and Imagine. I am testing the LightWave module. Unfortunately, InterChange
currently converts all objects from any format into its own internal
simplified format. While this does not alter the shape of the object, it
seriously limits the variety of surface attributes that may be passed.
Syndesis has proposed expanding their surface attributes support and you can
bet your butt that I was screaming all for it. As it stands now, it is
limited to a color definition, smooth/flat, shiny, and dull. I don't even
think it handles transparency.
Also of note, the upcoming LightWave 2.0 release will include a complete
object import/export facility done by John Foust of Syndesis.
> P.S. ,
> I got my plane tickets to Las Vegas for July 28-Aug 2. I'm a student
> volunteer at SIGGRAPH this year, who all is going to be there.
I'll be there. Currently I am attempting to quickly organize a small
gathering of Amiga graphics enthusiasts at the show.